
  • €65/Buggy
  • 6 Buggy's
  • 3:30 uur

De tour begint vanaf onze basis, gelegen aan de Kaluna Beach Club en eindigt bij het Teide National Park. We volgen de kustweg naar Los Gigantes, waar we stoppen om de prachtige kliffen te bewonderen, en dan verder door Chio en Guia de Isora, naar het nationale park. We rijden langs de weg door het bos en de gedroogde lava, naar het beroemde uitkijkpunt Las Cañadas del Teide, waar klanten kunnen ontspannen, panoramische foto’s kunnen maken en vooral frisse lucht kunnen inademen op een hoogte van 2200 meter. Vanaf de TF21-weg dalen we af naar VILAFLOR, het hoogste dorp van Spanje met 1466 meter. We stoppen voor een snack (inbegrepen in de prijs), voordat we terugkeren naar Las Américas. Op de terugweg genieten we van het fantastische uitzicht op de zuidkust.

Een geldig rijbewijs is vereist voor de bestuurder van de Buggy. Deze trip duurt 3u30

Bij deze trip ga je niet off-road

Zelfde prijs voor een single buggy als dubbele buggy.

Deze trip is ook mogelijk in een 4 persoons buggy.

Betaal enkel een voorschot.

Nadat uw boeking door ons is verwerkt betaalt u enkel een voorschot.
Het resterende saldo betaalt u bij aanvang van de excursie
Het voorschot voor de Teide Buggy Adventure in Tenerife bedraagt €60/Buggy



  • Single of dubbel

    Zelfde prijs single of dubbele buggy

    € 195.00
  • 4 Persoons Buggy
    € 230.00


Google Reviews

584 reviews
  • Clive Rogers
    Clive Rogers
    3 months ago

    Alex was the perfect guide, his knowledge, help and friendliness was unparalleled. In my opinion Top Buggy Adventure is the only company that you should use, I honestly don’t think it could be surpassed. It was a Bithday present for me that totally made my day. I would recommend taking their advice on goggles, coat and snood, it’s an open buggy so you need some protection against the wind. The views are absolutely stunning, it’s almost like you are in another planet. A big thank you to Alex for making it such a special day.

  • Lynne Wylie
    Lynne Wylie
    a week ago

    My son (12yrs old) and I had an absolute blast with Mario and the team from start to finish. I’ve been on a trip to El Tiede before but this trip way out shon it! Mario had lots of interesting facts and history to share with us on each stop. My son was engrossed and have to say, this is defo a must do for any families out there thinking about it. It’s much better than sitting on a coach and honestly, Mario makes it with his knowledge. Interacts well with young ones too as mine had lots of questions about things and Mario was so happy to answer…. Absolutely loved our time, thank you SO much… I’d defo return, just for fun!! 🤗

  • chloe hackett
    chloe hackett
    2 weeks ago

    The tour was amazing honestly couldn’t have had a better day, the views were phenomenal, our tour guid was Mario and he was so knowledgeable and friendly, you get over 100 photos emailed to you for just €10 which was crazy I was expecting to pay a lot more for the quality photos we got, getting to stop at the gift shop near the volcano was a lovely touch as I got lovely presents for people, we stopped a lot and got some lovely photos and got to hear alot about the history of each place, Mario was great at involving everyone in the tour, we were the only English speaking guests there and he went though it with us in English separately and the rest of the guys in Spanish and didn’t let us feel left out with what he was explaining, FYI his English is amazing ! really good fun, you go up very high in the mountains and not all the roads have barriers so I was glad I had my partner with me who was happy to drive ( I had a little go but was more than happy to be the passenger to look at the views) would definitely recommend this to anybody who is thinking about it we got a transfer there and back with Mario and was out for over 4 hours all together, such good value for money and would definitely do again when we return to Tenerife with the same company , can not fault them

  • Bong So
    Bong So
    a month ago

    Excellent for family with kids for a 4-seater buggy ride up to the El Teide. We have ride cable cars for so many time in different countries. So, this time, we decided to take a buggy ride up the El Teide. It is an exceptional experience for family in a windy ride on the buggy. My sons got really excited in this 3 hours' trip. Our guide, Javier, made this journey even more brillant. Highly recommended if you want a different experience up the mountian if you get bored in riding a bus on to it.

  • Marita Kennedy
    Marita Kennedy
    4 weeks ago

    Really enjoyed the buggies! Super fun activity ! A lot better than quads personlly think! Alex was really great and gave us a synopsis of the history of the land and previous volcanic activity etc!would really recommend this !

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✅ Betaal enkel een voorschot
✅ 7/7 bereikbaar
✅ Bereikbaar 08:30-22:30
✅ Persoonlijke service
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